Learn more about how health nutrition experts can help you make the correct food choices for a healthy lifestyle The eighth edition of the Dietary Guidelines is designed for professionals to help all iindividuals, ages 2 years-old and above, and their families to consume a healthy, nutritionally adequate diet.
The 2015-2020 edition provides five overarching Guidelines that encourage:
This guidance can help you choose a healthy diet and focus on preventing the diet-related chronic diseases that continue to impact American populations.
It is also intended to help you to improve and maintain overall health for disease prevention. Health professionals, including physicians, nutritionists, dietary counselors, nurses, hospitality meal planners, health policymakers, and beneficiaries of the USDA National School Lunch and School Breakfast program and their administrators may find these guidelines most useful. American consumers can also use this information to help make helathy food choices for themselves and their families.